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GOBELINS and Beijing Film Academy Animation School Successfully Conclude Summer School Collaboration

The summer school programme co-hosted by the Beijing Film Academy Animation School and the renowned French animation school GOBELINS has successfully concluded.

In News, Sep 04, 2024

The 24th Animation Academy Awards jury lineup is officially released

2024 The 24th Beijing Film Academy

In News, Jul 18, 2024

2024 AMC STUFF: Beijing Film Academy Animation Program Ranks 14th Globally and 1st in China!

Recently, the Animation Career Review (AMC STUFF), a leading authority in animation evaluations, released its 2024 international animation school rankings (excluding U.S. institutions...

In News, Jun 18, 2024

New | Blackmagic URSA Cine Immersive Camera

At the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), Apple mentioned our new camera, the Blackmagic URSA Cine Immersive. The camera is still in development but we wanted to share some...

In News, Jun 11, 2024

Animation Master's Workshop - Course Review|Patterns in Images: Animation Creation from the Perspective of Georges Schwizgebel

Georges Schwizgebel, the internationally renowned experimental animation director and titan-level animation master, offered a 5-day animation workshop at the Huairou Campus of the Bei...

In News, May 07, 2024